After trick or treating in our neighborhood, Hunter insisted that they drive over to his teacher, Mrs. Wehr's house, because she told the kids she gave full sized candy bars. They also had to stop by Grandma and Grandpa Wangsgard's house to see how they had it all decorated up for Halloween.
While Dave and my Dad were on the elk hunt, my mom had just gotten the mummy out and put it in her living room. The mummy makes grunting noises like he is trying to talk but can't because his mouth is covered. I made the joke to Lexi that the mummy was really Grandpa, and that Grandma had tied him up because he was in trouble. Since then whenever she went over to my parents she would go say Hi to Grandpa (the mummy), give him hugs goodbye, and stuff like that. On Halloween night, my parents had the mummy out on their porch. As we walked by the mummy, he started grunting which made Lexi jump. Lexi turned to the mummy and said, "Grandpa, you scared me!" So we had to get a picture of Lexi with both of her grandpas, lol.
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