This is Dave and Hunter driving across a part of Pineview Dam, ON A 4 WHEELER!!!!
Notice where the front tires are. Not on the ground! With my baby on the back!!!
Again, front tires not on the ground! No wonder Hunter hasn't wanted to ride with me lately. He tells me I go too slow and I'm not fun to ride with, now I understand why.
So I'm sure that the next time Dave and Hunter want to go for a ride, I will be a little hesitant. But I guess this is what boys do, at least that is Dave's defense :) Again, front tires not on the ground! No wonder Hunter hasn't wanted to ride with me lately. He tells me I go too slow and I'm not fun to ride with, now I understand why.
Hahaha Nat, well....I guess the tires off the snow not much to defender there, but the one where you thought he was on the dam he is actually just on dirt. There is no water there yet lol... :)
Oh, yah I'd be freaking out!! That is just what boys do, but goodness sakes.
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