Mckell's been tagged by her cousin Kimi, and I'm supposed to tell 5 things about her. Isn't she the cutest!
1. Mckell is such a girly girl. Her favorite color is pink, she loves anything princess (although her favorite princess is Ariel), she loves to sing (she sings to Lexi whenever Lexi is sad), and she loves to dance. The other night we were watching Dancing With The Stars and Mckell was prancing around the room dancing with the music. Dave and I were cracking up watching her until her moves started looking a bit seductive. It's then that we realized she's going to be a handful when she grows up :)
2. Mckells best friend is Hunter. She thinks that he is the greatest. The other day, Hunter and his friend were wrestling at the bus stop, and Mckell got right up in Hunter's friends face and told him not to hurt her Hunter. He's lucky to have a sister like her.
4.Mckell is such a good helper. She wants to help wash the floors, unload the dishwasher, load the dishwasher, bath Lexi, vacuum, and fold and put away laundry. But with all of her help for some reason I can't get her to clean her room. Go figure.
I asked Mckell who she wanted to tag (I'm not sure she knew what I was talking about) but she said her sister Gretchen (she thinks all her little friends are her sisters), Ella, and Kaitlyn.
it was fun hearing about Mckell. She is darling and I'm glad you went along with the tag. :) Love you guys!
Gretchen will be so excited! McKell is darling. Jake has preschool on Monday Wednesday & Friday mornings. Maybe they could play on a Tuesday morning.
we love kell, she is such a sweetie!
oh. what a cute post! i found your blog through heidis and saw this and just have to say how cute you kids are. mckell is so cute whenever she is at heidi's while i am baby-sitting and she is always so sweet and so polite, too!
I'm glad you posted on ours!!! It is fun to see yours, too. I hope it was okay I had to go rushing out from the Cave Kids thing today!!!!
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