So last year, I called 2010 our year of trips. I'm really not sure what to call 2011. I guess I would call it our year of exciting news. I think the most exciting news we got this year was that we were going to add a new member to our family. A baby boy will join our family in May. We are soooo excited! We also bought a new lot to build a new house. It will still be in the same neighborhood, infact it is straight acrossed the church parking lot from our current house. Ya, we are moving far, lol. But we love our neighborhood, we love the ward, and we love the kids' school, so if we were going to move we wouldn't want to move anywhere else. It will be fun to have a new house this coming year :). Some other exciting news was that the kids were able to get into a new school, which we all LOVE. This year we have been truely blessed.
Dave continues to be super busy at work. He pretty much spent a month in New York moving offices and has gone back and forth several times. The kids and I were able to go out and spend time with him, which was fun. He is still on the High Council at church, which I think he enjoys, although he could do without speaking every month :) He did have a successful hunt this year, which was great. He's stocked up our freezer, which was getting kind of low. He is spoiled, and got a brand new truck this year. Around Thanksgiving he hit a deer up in the valley and it totalled the front of his truck. He insisted that even after it was fixed it would never be the same, so he got a new truck, lol. It is a good thing he has connections at John Watsons :)
I was released as a Relief Society instructor and am now a primary teacher at church. I enjoy working with the kids. They are so cute. I pretty much have spent the end of the year, September on, laying on the couch and being sick. Thank goodness a cute baby will come at the end of this, otherwise the sickness wouldn't be worth it. So I feel like I've missed out on a lot that has happened over the past several months. Its a good thing that I have such a wonderful husband, family, and friends that have helped run things while I've been down.
Hunter loves sports and is improving all the time. He also loves that he is in scouts now. He loves his new school and has begun taking piano lessons. Well, both he and I are taking piano lessons, but I've had to take time off because I've been sick. He isn't thrilled about piano, but is a pretty darn good piano player. It is fun to watch him teach me and Mckell things about the piano. Mckell can't wait until she gets to start taking piano lessons.
Mckell took a little break from dance this year and started gymnastics. She loves it, and his having fun learning how to do the splits, the bar, headstands, and cartwheels. She has loved that she can go to school all day instead of half a day. She helped us plant a garden this past summer and was my little gardener, constantly checking the garden to see if anything had grown.
Lexi is getting so big. However, I still consider her my little baby. Although, I know come May she'll seem super grown up :) She loves trying to keep up with Hunter and Mckell, and was so upset that she couldn't stay at school when they went on the first day. Her time will come :) She has been such a good helper to me, and she continues to be Daddy's little girl. One thing that she has been doing lately that is kind of cute, but at the same time drives me crazy, is that when she gets in trouble she will start to cry and say "You don't love me". She is either really tender hearted or pretty smart, because how can you stay mad at her when she is saying you don't love her. She immediately gets a hug from whoever she thinks doesn't love her and told that they do love her. Then she seems not to be in trouble anymore. Also, she is constantly asking if you are mad at her. We really do not get mad at her very often, but she seems to really be concerned that someone is mad at her. She is such a cutie!
We've been really blessed in 2011, and can't wait for 2012.