Lexi turned 1 year old on September 18th. I can't believe how fast a year has gone by. It feels like just yesterday that I was in the hospital with her :) She is getting so big. She can walk, says "dada", "doogie", "mama" (finally), "hi", and "uh-oh". She is eating regular foods and I just upgraded her to a big kid car seat. She has 2 of her bottom teeth, and 4 of her top teeth are starting to peek through. She sleeps through the night (and has since she was about 6 months old). We are so lucky to have her in out family.
She has such a fun personality. She loves to play peek-a-boo, she loves to hide behind the couch and stick her head out, and she gets a kick out of chasing her brother and sister. We love to hear her laugh cause she has the cutest laugh!
Mckell, Jasmin, and Lexi opening her presents (she needed a little help, cuz she had no idea of what she was supposed to do)
Lexi loved eating her birthday cake with her hands. She pretty much ate the whole thing. Well, with the help of Mckell.
what a cutie! You should give Shay a call for pictures. She always does a great job!
Wow, it really does seem like you just had Lexi. I can't believe she is one already! What a cutie!!!
My O My that went fast. I was checking out your blog and Jake asked, "What, Hunter got another little sister?" Pretty observant.
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