My little brother, Christian, left yesterday to serve in the Birmingham, England mission. We are so excited for him and know that he will be a great missionary! Sending him off was a litttle different than the normal missionary experience Normally the whole family drives down to the Provo MTC, where you watch the beloved video and all sing "Called to Serve". That experience is all very painful because you know what is going to happen after that. The missionaries out one door and families out the other. You only have time for a very brief goodbye, and everyone leaves bawling their eyes out. After my brother Rich left on his mission, my Dad swore that he was not going to go through that again. He constantly teased my brother Christian that when he went on a mission, my Dad would say his good byes at home and not go down to the MTC with him. Well, my Dad's prayers were answered because he didn't have to do the MTC thing. We just dropped Christian off at the airport to go to the MTC in Preston, England. It was a whole different experience, and not nearly as emotional as the Provo, MTC experience. I'm really not sure which one I liked better. With the airport, it really didn't seem like he was leaving for 2 years. It was just like he was going on a vacation, but we were all there to send him off. It really hasn't hit me yet that he is gone, but I know it will the next time I need a quick baby sitter. Christian was always willing to watch the kids when he could. He was my "3:00 a.m. After Thanksgiving Sales" babysitter, my "Have to go help in Hunter's Class" babysitter, and "want to go get a quick tan" babysitter. He even filled in for me as a volunteer in Hunter's class right after I had Lexi, I mean what 19 year old would spend every Thursday for about a month helping in his nephew's classroom. Christian did, and he really enjoyed it. My kids absolutely adore Christian. Mckell always says that she is going to marry him :), and Hunter loves having someone to wrestle with or play games with when we go over for Sunday dinner. He will truly be missed, but we know he is where he is supposed to be.
The whole week before Christian left, we did something every night, as a family. We went bowling, out to dinner, had game night , etc. It has given us some good memories!

My mom, Susan, Christian, and my brother Rich.
Top row: Cassie (sister-in-law), Rich (brother), Me, Dave, Mitch (brother, and he is single so if you know any cute girls :)
Front row: Mckell, My mom Susan, Christian, Lexi, Hunter, and my dad Kerry