Friday, August 13, 2010

~Weber County Fair~

Years ago, when Becky(my sister in law) and I both were still working, Darinda was watching the kids and decided to take them all to the Weber County Fair. She said it was so hard to get them to leave because they LOVED seeing the bunnies. They had so much fun seeing the animals that she wanted to do it again this year. We went on opening day and lucked out because children were free. The kids had fun looking at all the animals (I think the bunnies were still their favorites).
At first Lexi didn't know how to take being that close to the animals, but by the end she was baaaing like the goats, mooing like the cows, and oinking like the pigs. She loved it.

And of course we had to take a break for cotton candy :)

Dave would be proud that Hunter's got good taste in cars :)

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